How do I know that I am connected to my clinic team?
You will see a ‘Connected’ status next to ‘Breathe Account’ in the ‘Settings’ page. Tap on the ‘Breathe Account’ to see your user ID, and the option to ‘Sync’ or ‘Disconnect’.
Why is the app suddenly shutting down?
If the app unexpectedly shuts down, please just try restarting it. If it repeatedly shuts down as a result of the same action, please report the error to your clinical team via the in app contact email option, or email Magic Bullet support to report the error and request support.
Why is my Fitbit data not appearing in Project Breathe?
In Project Breathe app, visit the ‘Settings’ page. Check under ‘My Accounts’ to make sure you are connected to Fitbit. If not, follow through the process outlined in the Fitbit section of the user guide.
If you are connected, open the Fitbit app and force a sync with your activity tracker. The go back to Project Breathe app and pull to refresh on the dashboard to sync with Fitbit. You should now be able to see your Fitbit data.
How do I remove and re-add a Bluetooth device?
In the Project Breathe app, visit the ‘Settings’ page and scroll to the ‘My Devices’ section. Simply select the device you want to remove and choose ‘Delete’ in the menu bar.
To setup your Vitalograph spirometer again, just follow the instructions here. For a Nonin oximeter, check here.
Daily reminders are delayed on my Android phone
On some Android phones, you may find that your daily reminder is delayed significantly. If this happens, you should try turning off Battery Optimisation for the Project Breathe app. Follow these instructions to reduce delays in the delivery of your reminders.
Daily reminders aren’t delivered on my Huawei or Honor phone.
In order to prolong battery life, some Huawei and Honor phones automatically (and forcibly) close apps to prevent them running in the background. This can interfere with the delivery of daily reminders in the Project Breathe app. If you find that your reminders aren’t being delivered on your Huawei phone, following these instructions should help